The Lessons of Citing the Words of Marianne Davidson - Part 1


Acimatic Meditation is an outgrowth of many "self-help" concepts that have become popular in the last five or ten years. Many such concepts have been developed through the ages by individuals who have felt a deep need to understand how their lives fit together and who have wished for some way to make this sense plain to their fellow humans. Some of these concepts are not new; others have certainly been around much longer than most would suppose. But in both cases, the need for a clear explanation that makes sense has arisen.

The underlying concept behind Acimatic Meditation is that the best "miracle" that we can perform on our own is the actual simultaneous performance of two acts at one time an inner and an outer one. By "performing" these two acts simultaneously, we are said to superimpose two "layers" of reality upon the same physical plane. One layer of reality is the actual, fleshly human self, and another layer is the higher, spiritual realm of the divine personality of God. This is, in essence, the "laying on of hands" that is sometimes required by the followers of certain religious traditions. But this technique is not limited to any one religion or tradition and can be used by anyone who wishes to learn.

The basic premise behind acim Meditation is that God can superimpose two different layers of reality upon the same self, leaving no visible traces of either layer. By placing our focus on the inner realities of our own beings, we can discover the deepest levels of that which is most important to us. We will often begin to experience what is called "spiritual light," or as some people might put it, a "breath of light." What we view as the "light" that comes from the higher self usually resembles a dim glow of incandescent light that fades over time. When we are actively participating in meditation while laying on hands, however, this spiritual light becomes more discernible, its nature more fully expressed.

When we actively use the power of our breath to work with the energy of God, the lessons of our life become more deeply meaningful and much easier to remember. Many people who have participated in the spiritual practice of acimatic meditation have shared wonderful stories about the revelations they have had while laying on hands. These stories have helped to popularize the teaching of acimato, helping it to grow in both popularity and stature.

But not all of us are open to laying on hands. There are times when we simply do not feel ready to allow the powerful presence of God into our lives without an additional effort on our part. The teachings of acimatic prayer are very gentle and are geared toward allowing those who are ready to learn to access their deeper spiritual nature without the resistance of the ego. If you are one of the many who are skeptical about climatic spirituality, no doubt you are also probably wondering what the benefits of such teachings might be. The truth is that while we can benefit a great deal from these lessons, we cannot underestimate the importance of facing up to the limitation of our own consciousness.

In our personal development, we must first face up to the limitations of our own consciousness and then we can begin to work with God and develop the power of inner transformation. The acimatic spirituality teachings of the Marianne Davidson are a great way to accomplish this. But the real value of these teachings, for the most part, comes from the fact that we get to learn about the true nature of reality by looking deeply within ourselves. This alone can make a tremendous difference in our spiritual practice.


Milan Tomic

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